The apple that killed a young woman

If you are planning to start a dry fruit production line or are currently a dry fruit producer, you should know that the appearance of the products has a special importance on the sale of your products.
If for any reason, your product does not look good, your sales will be very low, and on the other hand, good appearance and even using tricks to make your product look more attractive will increase your sales exponentially.
This has caused the darkening of the product, especially for apples, to be one of the concerns of dried fruit producers; In this article, we want to present a delicious and attractive trick to solve this problem.
Organic methods to prevent darkening of the product
To prevent black diamond apple from darkening, you can use both organic methods and some safe additives. Using natural food colors such as lipo powder, strawberry powder, using purple cabbage, pomegranate juice and cherry juice to obtain red color, using mint and green tea infusion for green color, carrot juice and orange juice for orange color and …
In non-organic methods, adding water is one of the most common ways to prevent darkening of products.
In this article, we are going to introduce to you the production of dry apple and the use of powder in the production of dry apple.

The steps of preparing dry apple
Wash and disinfect apples well.
peel the apples; You can use a manual or electric peeler for this.
Be sure to core the apples.
Slice the apples.
Place the slices in a solution containing one tablespoon of lipo powder and one liter of water.
Let the slices remain in the solution for 10 minutes.
After ten minutes, remove the apples from the solution and place them on the dryer baskets.
How to make lip powder
After washing and disinfecting the lips, we take their skin carefully, slice it and place it in the dryer.
Then we grind the dried lips and store them in a dry and cool place.
You can use an electric peeler that can be used for both apples and lips.

  • Sources:
    1. طرز تهیه سیب خشک لبویی

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