Distribution of the Most Expensive Dates in the World at the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth

Fresh or dry dates, which one has more energy?
Dates are a rich source of carbohydrates and energy, and each one has about 20 to 70 calories. In the Middle East, dates are consumed daily
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Fresh or dry dates, which one has more energy?
Dates are a rich source of carbohydrates and energy, and each one has about 20 to 70 calories. In the Middle East, dates are consumed daily.

The number of heart diseases is very low. Most fruits have a high percentage of water, but 70% of dates are sugar. Different types of dates are available in the market, but the question that arises is whether fresh or dry dates are healthier?


Shelf life:

Dry dates have less moisture and thus remain fresh for a longer period of time, while the shelf life of fresh dates is less than 8 to 10 months. Dried dates can last up to 5 years if stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, dry dates have a longer shelf life than fresh dates.


Each 100 grams of dry dates contains 280 calories, while each 100 grams of fresh dates contains 145 calories. Therefore, you can eat fresh dates to lose weight, and if you want to gain weight, you can get extra calories from dry dates. So, the type of date consumption depends on the individual’s needs.


Both types of dates have almost the same nutrients. Dates contain iron, vitamin A (good for eye health), potassium (good for the heart) and magnesium, which fight diabetes, blood pressure and depression. Dates are rich in fructose, which is harmful to the body. As mentioned, there is not much difference between the nutritional value of fresh and dry dates.


Dates are rich in carbohydrates, which include sucrose, fructose and glucose. Athletes consume dates to get energy before every competition. Dry and fresh dates are full of energy.


Dates are rich in fiber and prevent constipation. The amount of fiber in dried dates is higher.


Dates are a very useful fruit. If you want to lose weight, eat fresh dates and exercise daily. Various carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins create a feeling of satiety. But if you want to gain weight, consume dry dates, which are rich in calories.


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